Webinar: Create a Mission Statement (that doesn't suck)
Who do you want to BE in your business?
Although my audience is not usually entrepreneurs, when Susan Finn approached me to combine BLAZE your PATH™ principles with her digital marketing focus, I was pretty excited.
Creative collaborations are my jam, people!
If you aren’t an entrepreneur, think about your personal mission statement and how it could help you to create a framework for your decisions. If you’re running yourself ragged trying to do “ALL the things!”, what might a clear focus do for you and your stress level?
In the webinar, we discuss:
How to combine values, passion, and purpose to uncover your WHY
Learn how decision fatigue can impact your personal health as well as the health of your business
Understand the uses of a mission statement, and how to make one that isn’t just BS
A quick centering technique you can use to get inspired and clear anytime, anywhere with no need for headphones, yoga poses, or privacy
How to apply your mission statement to make decisions with less stress and greater focus