blaze your path

How to Make Decisions With Confidence: BYP- Execute

How to Make Decisions With Confidence: BYP- Execute

Change is inevitable and if our only plan to stay on track with our goal is to have everything go perfectly, we’re in trouble. It’s important to keep track of what we are working towards and WHY it’s important, preferably somewhere easily visible so that in the midst of chaos we can come back to our center. What we need is a clear and simple statement that reminds us of what we are striving for and how we can best attain it.

When Your Passion is “Nothing” – ByP Step 1: Beliefs

When Your Passion is “Nothing” – ByP Step 1: Beliefs

It’s hard to answer questions about vision and passion when you’re having to scrape yourself off the couch to do the most basic tasks. The irony is that one of the most effective ways to move out of burnout is to have a future-focused motivation that aligns with your passions. Identifying the activities that fill your energy tank is the best way to gain momentum that will get you out of the fatigue zone.

Webinar: Create a Mission Statement (that doesn't suck)

Webinar: Create a Mission Statement (that doesn't suck)

In the webinar, we discuss:

  • How to combine values, passion, and purpose to uncover your WHY

  • Learn how decision fatigue can impact your personal health as well as the health of your business

  • Understand the uses of a mission statement, and how to make one that isn’t just BS

  • A quick centering technique you can use to get inspired and clear anytime, anywhere with no need for headphones, yoga poses, or privacy

  • How to apply your mission statement to make decisions with less stress and greater focus