Balance is another term that we often mistake for meaning “equal”. Work/life balance is not about spending the same amount of time and energy on work and “life”. It’s finding an equilibrium, a still point that allows for a sense of stability, even though things are still in flux around us. Likewise, equilibrium does not mean “equal” - where the equilibrium point is could be 80% of A and 20% of B or any other combination. It simply means that there is a stable quantity of each.
Notes from an Introvert: Racism in America
Lessons I Learned the Hard Way: Accountability
I did all the wrong things as an accountability partner when I was in my 20s. It left me resentful and burned out, and I turned off an important part of myself just to keep from feeling that way. Here are three valuable lessons I learned from the experience that allow me to be a great accountability partner today, for myself and for others.
7 Ways to Set Powerful Intentions, Not Just at New Year's
How to Become Authentically Confident- 5 Key Factors
21 Days to Fearlessness: A Challenge
The Real Reason Perfectionism is NOT an Asset
I Don't Want to be a "Female Gamer"
Relax! 5 Easy Meditation Practices - BYP: Zen
Imagine being able to ride the waves of drama and frustration in the office with a sense of calm, like a rock that stands tall among the waters. That urgent project is a source of focus instead of stress. You feel compassion towards the coworker that used to annoy you, and you don’t take anything personally. Does this sound like an impossible dream? It can happen for you with a daily meditation practice, truly!
How Authentic Are You Allowed to Be? 5 Resources for Getting Started
Holding back pieces of ourselves deprives the world of our unique perspectives and leads to feeling unfulfilled and exhausted. I think this is something that we all grapple with, whether it’s doing the personal growth and exploration to uncover who we are, or finding ways to honor that authentic self in “the real world”. Here are some resources for uncovering and embracing authenticity.